Changing your mind perspective, will change your body:)

=A change comes with a Mind set= It works like this: "I am beautiful" "I am thin" "I am sexy" ...actually not really but your selfconfidence grows faster and keeps you motivated the entire time you wanna change something within yourself. Your mind is created based on your own thoughts and if you think negative about yourself automaticcally you will go in a wrong direction and your hapiness is failing to apear. Is true when it says : "what you are eating is what you are !" - Based on your diet, you will find yourself better mood, energic, happy. If you are not what you want to be then for sure you are sabotaging yourself or someone else is pushing you from behind to do the wrong choices. Food=pleasure=happines but you can choose the one that makes you happy after you eat it. Is all about how you balance yourself and what food you choose to put inside of your body. Your body can't say anything but can make you feel: sad...