Best food to make you lose weight

There are a couple of miracles in your kitchen that can change your life. Is called FOOD. Food is the real miracle that helps you be a  better version of yourself.

You always looking to lose weight and was too hard to keep you away from fatty, oily, sugary's ok, we have your back.

Let's go and simplify all of this quickly. I will give you some options for your future skinny body.

Cabbage 100 g = 25 calories
Broccoli 100 g = 34 calories
Cucumber 100g = 16 calories
Carrots 100g = 41 calories
Onion 100 g  = 40 calories
Sweet potato 100 g = 86 calories
White potato 100g = 77 calories

and the list will never end.

The only thing that is important with all these foods is how you consume them.

Let me give you an example:

If you have a meal full o greens but those greens are stir-fry or sote  in a lot of oil then for sure you did not choose the right food by the fact you prepared it wrong.
Keeping the food alive is conserve it with many nutrients as possible.
In the end, we all eat to keep us alive, healthy and not to get ourself in trouble.

My recommendation is to enjoy eating but use the food wisely and create a lifestyle of that and not a struggle.

With all these being said, now let's eat some goodies and fill our bodies with energy.

Healthy living all!

To help your nutrition, you have to workout as well, so check my friend 's fitness program and melt the unwanted fat as soon as possible.

Check this link below:



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