300 m open water swim struggle

300 m open water swim struggle

300 m swim...Hmm, sounds fun?!?! no?...well for me was so much pressure, you can't believe it!!!

My partner is doing lots of competitions, easy to mention that he grew up in Australia and water for him is like air for me. After couple of times in which he was trying to convince me that I can swim 750m not less, he register me for a 300 m swim, indeed for a good cause: 1st that was a charity festival, where all the funds raised will go to the people in Africa who don't have drinking water, and 2nd which is more personal, me trying to overtake my fear of being in deep open waters and swim.

Easy to say but hard to do it, I would say! ....why so?!!?!?! for me being in open, deep water is like jumping from Titanic and trying to survive no matter what?!?!? is crazy, isn't it?:)

Same happened this time, he was trying to make me feel more confident by explaining me how easy is if I will keep calm and just swim...well, let me tell you how was it:

Me, ready and prepared to start my challenge in line, shaking a little bit, confused if I should believe him or myself, knowing that after 10 m I will start panicking and struggle to stay at the surface. Well...the sounds announces the start and I entered the water, was calm and nice and felt good and that I will be fine. I started my race with few nice strokes....but at one point ..I couldn't breath anymore...what I will do now???... I said in my mind, I need to keep going, I cant ask for lifeguard as is more embarrassing then anything, so I turned myself on my back and float for a while to catch up my breath.
Ok, my breath came back normal, lets try again, I said. 2  strokes and out of breath again, what is going on?? why all the people are going too fast and don't have anything, feels like they enjoyed the moment but me not. I was turning on my back and keep floating, using my legs and breathing... I remember the lifeguard from the boat was yelling at me :"You can do it, breast stroke, come on, come on!  I was so frustrated and angry that I wanted to punch poor guy in the face, why I cant swim???? why??
There were like 35 m till the end and I said: Lets try again and for the last time to swim properly!, I did 4 strokes and felt dead, turn on my back and float...this is so wrong, I was saying!!!! The lifeguard was still yelling at me and I had to tell him to stop as is not going to be much better then this, Maybe I was rude but my frustrations were too big.

Finished finally with my face down like I did something very bad and embarrassed, I wasn't able to swim 300m in the that calm open water but I float and manage not to drown myself.

How can I get over this panic??? how will I be able to swim relaxed and enjoy? anyone knows?



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