Fresh Juices vs Smoothies

Fresh Juices vs. Smoothies

What should I choose when is about my health?!?! The nutrients that all these food gives me?!?!?

So let's take the Fresh Juices and see what are the benefits:

" As you all may know what is made of the juice -  is the extraction or pressing out of the natural liquid contained in the fruits or vegetables."
Benefits:  some of the juices are rich in vitamins and minerals, folic acid and potassium, excellent source of bioavailable antioxidant phytochemicals.
Downside: many fruits juices have a higher sugar (fructose) contect than sweetened soft drinks (ex: grape juice has 50% more sugar than Coca Cola.) High amount of juices couses dental decay (natural contain of acids, which chemically dissolve the enamel of the surface of the tooth.

Now lets take the Smoothies and see the benefits:
Especially the green ones:
* natural weight loss
*increased consumption of fruits and vegetables
*easy digestibility and nutrients assimilation
*increase energy
*menal clarity and focus
*increase fiber intake
*clearer skinlet's have a balanced diet with Whatever you choose to have, either Smoothies or Fresh Juices just don't forget that having a balanced diet will keep you on the correct track.

source: wikipedia, google


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