Food that helps you lose weight

Food that helps you lose weight

From my own experience, i can tell you that there few pieces in this puzzle that can help you lose weight and that is the food your are eating.

I will start with few fruits that are essential for your health and also helps you drop few cm on your waistline:

- lemons - drink a glass with warm wather with few slices of lemon on the empty stomach, this will boost your metabolism and help you lose weight)
- grapefruits - they have good cholesterol, which will anihilate the bad one
- blueberries, blackberries, raspberies are very low in sugar
- apples and especially the green ones as they are having lots of fiber and help you move your bowel
- pomegranate - full of antioxidants and can be used for dressing in any salades
- kiwi - full of vitamin C
- coconut - has the good fats which will give you the right fuel for your workouts - coconut water has electrolytes that keeps you hydrated for long time
- papayas - low calories and has the enzime to break the proteins from the meat easily

and i will continue with some vegetables:
  - brocolli - has lots of vitamins and minerals
  - hot peppers - jalapeno boost metabolism and digestion
  - spinach is a good source of calcium and antioxidants
  - green beans they have lots pf proteins
  - cucumber

and also superfood like:
 - chia seeds  - omega 6 and 3
 - seasame seeds
 - quinoa - good protein source
 - flax seeds - helps



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