Sweating... is good for you?

Sweating ...oh, i love sweating..:)and yes is good for you!!

- we release sweat to help regulate our body temperature to prevent it from overheating
- sweating helps your body to eliminate toxins, which support proper immune function and prevents diseases
- helps you kill the viruses and bacteria that cannot survive in temperature above 98.6^F, as well as on the surface of your skin
- sweat is the results of any intense exercise but also you can induce sweating via sauna
With all these benefits dont forget though to hydrate yourself and replace your electrolytes after each session of heavy sweating.
Do HIIT (high intensity interval) for 20 minutes and you will see the sweat will invade your body easily
Exemple :  4x10 m suttle run
                   10 burpees box step overs
                   10 lunges. hands overhead
                   10 russian twist
         Repeat for as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

Good luck with your sweat for today:)

..and if you are the office, (Office workout) go at the exit area, where are the stairs and go down one floor and come back for 3 times, with 10 reps touching your toes in a deadlift position and a squat stance, twisting your trunk for 20 times, repeat as many rounds as your lunch break allows, ofcourse to have time to eat your lunch as well:).


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