One month of weight loss tips

How you lose weight easy?

Actually, the formula is quite simple but the process takes a bit of time, patience and lots of cardio.

First week: start to eat less and do more cardio: walking  is not cardio but helps to use the energy, running, rowing, spinning, climbing, cleaning the house, taking the stairs, etc.

Second week : do more cardio, ask your friend to join you so you can have more fun, add some weights into your trainig, do a 3 times per week a weighted high intensity training, eat less bread and more vegetables.

Third week:  lots of cardio, you can have a session in the morning and one in the evening for 20 minutes of light running. 15 minutes weightes training for 4 times a week, you can choose 2 days in a row with one day off. have your meals organised and same time with no more bread and processed food and add some more vegetables and few fruits.

Forth week: you starting to see the results, keep your running morning and evening and organised meals with good protein and carbs (carbs are good for you if they are out of  brown rice, unprocessed grains, etc), add every day the weighted training with simple movements. drink water and coconut water.

Exemple of a weighted trainig:

15 minutes as many rounds as possible

10xlunges with 2 db front rack position
10xbiceps curl and press
10xgoblet squats
10x lateral raises
each minute execute 5 jumping jacks

Good luck and let me know how many kilos you lost:)


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